What’s New


Happy 2024! Guess it’s been a little bit since I’ve updated this, hasn’t it? Whoops… I suppose I should get a little bit better at that. My apologies. I hope everyone has enjoyed a great year so far. Hopefully found some new authors to follow? Some new books to read? One thing I’ve learned about this industry, is that there is always a new author jumping into the business. For me… well it’s been a little bit of a roller coaster year so far.

I’ve been working on the second installment of the Escape from Dollhouse Manor, Wanted, but last week kind of threw me in a bit of a funk and I wasn’t able to write as much as I wanted to. I had to put one of my furbabies down, and just needed some time to process. The plan is to get back into it, hopefully get a lot of writing done within the next couple of months and get Wanted out sometime this early summer and follow up with Stalked, which I’m aiming for a release toward the end of the yar. A little spoiler… I’m toying with the idea of a killer Santa. We’ll see what the end result ends up with.

I’m also planning on going back to the Randolph Saga, make some changes, and yes make it a little darker. I’ll also try to get back to the Rise of the Witches. We’ll have to see where the year takes me but, keep your eyes peeled for more information. I’ll try to update her more often, and be sure to check my social media. That is where you’ll get the most up to date information. Thanks for hanging with me, following me, supporting me and I’ll have an update soon!


I’ve been pretty 0usy with The Randolph Saga lately. I’ve gone through and cleaned up Fearless, I’m in the process of cleaning up Dark Revelations, then I’ll be working on Tis the Season. When I released Hunted, then read through Fearless, I realized that I could make the stories so much better. Look for the newly edited books in the coming months, along with some new content for The Randolph Saga.

I think I’m going to be adding four books between Fearless and Dark Revelations, which will make it a five book arc with the Rodriquez sisters, before it branches off to the Randolph brothers. In Pursuit (Torianna’s story), Defense (Arianna’s story), Rebirth (Esmeralda’s story… tentative title), and Retribution (Lilyana’s story, also tentatively titled!). Then I’ll be heading back to Escape from Dollhouse Manor and working on Wanted.

The goal is to hopefully have five new titles out by the end of the year, but we’ll see how everything goes. As always, I’ll post updates to here, my newsletter, Facebook, and Twitter.

March 7th, 2023

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. Here in the midwest, it feel s like the neverending winter with all the snow we’ve been getting, but it’s been great for me creatively! I’ve decided I’m going to write two sequels to Fearless, which take place before Dark Revelations. Yes. I’m going to write Torianna and Arianna’s stories. I am so excited to get started on them. Ideas are already forming in my head. I’m hoping to release them later this year. Which means, I will be doing a promotion for Fearless in the coming months. New cover. Updated content. I hope you all enjoy what I have coming. Stay tuned for updates, and as always, make sure to join my newsletter! That’s where I’ll be releasing new covers first.

February 18th, 2023

Happy Saturday! I hope everyone is doing well. Hunted is now officially available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Paperbacks through Barnes and Noble should be available very soon as well. I just uploaded a new book trailer for Hunted as well. Feel free to check it out here

I’m already working on Wanted, the next book in the series and am about halfway through it. I’m hoping for a May release!

February 6th, 2023

Happy February, everyone! I hope everyone is having a great start to the year. As for me, well, I’ve got a lot going on right now. First of all, my new series, Escape from Dollhouse Manor is officially on the rise. The first book in the series, Hunted, is now available for preorder on Amazon! It’s mix of mystery, suspense, romance, and horror.

Besides that, The Wiccan Way series is no more, it is now being replaced with The Rise of the Witches. Covers will be released next month.

As for The Randolph Saga, it’s getting a whole new revamp. New covers, new synopsis, and even cleaning up the writing a bit. Stay tuned for more information!

And I want to take a moment to thank all the readers. I know the last couple of years has been very up and down. My writing career kind of a took a back seat to a lot of stuff, but I feel like I am finally back on track and am so grateful to all of you for your support, and of course, patience! Thank you!